Vandals Attack in Yeshivas Torah V’das in Bnei Brak

Initial reports state the damage from a vandalism attack against Yeshivas Torah V’das in Bnei Brak is extensive. The first bochrim to arrive on Monday morning were shocked and horrified to see the extent of the damage.

A significant quantity of equipment was damaged and/or destroyed, as were sheetrock walls. The vandals targeted offices, the dining hall, classrooms, and the beis medrash.

The rosh yeshiva is HaGaon HaRav Aryeh Elchadad, who explains the yeshiva has been at 21 Chavakuk Street for the past three years. The rav and others updated Gedolei Yisrael Shlita regarding the attack, as well as police.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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