Halutz Preparing to Enter Israel’s Political Arena

The disgraced IDF chief of staff who was compelled to resign after the Second Lebanon War, Dan Halutz, is heading for the Knesset. Halutz’s three year hiatus period that he must wait between retiring from the IDF prior to entering politics expires in January.

In a recent media event in Holon, Halutz was asked of the statement “It’s not if I am entering politics but when” was true, and he nodded affirmatively. He feels that after decades of service to the state in the military, becoming the commander of the IAF and eventually chief of staff, there is much for him to do in the political arena.

Most predict that a shidduch is likely between the former commander and Yair Lapid, the son of the founder of the secularist Shinui Party, which he seems to be preparing to revive.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Yes, a failed, disgraced, horrible excuse for a military Chief of Staff sounds like a perfect candidate for a top spot in the Labor or Kadima parties.

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