HaRav Grossman Shlita Called to Emanuel

Perhaps the agreement that was reached in the Emanuel Beis Yaakov case will do more than keep the mothers from serving a jail term, maybe, just maybe, it will take down the barriers of separation that have scared the girls of Emanuel. During the interim period from the agreement until of the end of the school year, regular classes have been suspended to clear the way for seminars, dealing in no small part in getting along, the mitzvos pertaining to achdus.

Today’s (Monday) prominent guest speaker traveling to Emanuel from Migdal Ha’emek was HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Dovid Grossman, known especially for his kiruv and achdus efforts.

While in reality the seminars are just to be ‘yotzei’, to fulfill the dictate of the court and keep the moms out of jail, many are hopeful that the three days during which the Emanuel girls are seated at one-another’s side will contribute towards healing the wounds.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. There is no other besides Rav Grossman (perhaps the Bostoner Rebbe, Reb Noah, Rav Bulma, all z”tl)Rav SImcha Hakohen Kook, or Rav Asher Weiss who can speak from the heart on Ahvas Yisroel and Achdus.

    It is easy to talk about it, much harder to walk the walk.

  2. Hindsight being 20/20, why wasnt R’ Grossman brought in to help resolve the situation before it spun completly out of control?

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