Arab Riots Continue in Shiloach Area of the Capital

Sunday night was another one of imminent danger for the residents of Beit Yonatan and Beit Hadvash in the predominately Arab Shiloach area of the eastern capital. Hundreds of attackers, including Arabs and leftist Israelis, began pelting security guards with rocks and then began using firebombs and other objects. The security personnel were compelled to fire warning shots and eventually, police did arrive as a number of homes were on fire as a result of the attack.

Residents are angered at police, accusing them of intentionally delaying their response amid ongoing leftist protests regarding the growing legal Jewish presence in the area. A dozen or so people were injured, including police and area Jewish residents. A number of attackers were treated for light pepper-spray inhalation. Police were also compelled to use stun grenades against the increasing violence against the Jewish presence in the area.

Earlier in the day, a Rechavia residents traveling in the area escaped with his life after he came under attack. Accompanying him was three of his children, all small children, and Baruch Hashem they were unharmed physically, but the vehicle was damaged.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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