PHOTOS: Civil Administration Destroys Bat Ayin Structures

IDF Civil Administration agents on Wednesday morning razed a number of illegal structures in the community of Bat Ayin. The event passed without confrontation. MK Dr. M. Ben-Ari accused PM Netanyahu of being “tough on Jews while legalizing illegal Arab housing”.

The Women in Green organization along with the Judea Action Committee decried the move, submitting photographs showing the large force sent to execute Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s destruction policy.

“The murderers of policeman Yehoshua Sofer HY”D who was murdered by Arabs last week in the southern Chevron Hills were not caught yet, but that did not bother the police to allocate tens of troops to attack Jews.

“This Wednesday morning at 5:30am, tens of police and Yassam forces arrived in “Mitzpei Erez”, in the Jewish community of Bat Ayin, not with paintball guns as in the terror flotilla, but rather with batons and machine guns, and destroyed two houses that were built in the Bat Ayin forest after and in reaction to the murder of Erez Levanon HY”D.

“In a letter that the families wrote a few days ago when they heard that their houses were slated for destruction they say:
‘Our settling in the forest is not an irresponsible picnic by young couples who are looking to relax but rather a clear statement of growth and expansion at a place where the life of Erez Levanon HY”D was taken away cruelly and heinously, with the clear purpose of scaring us and paralyzing us so we should not dare to go out and expand.

‘Our settling Mitzpei Erez is the one and real answer to all those who try to paralyze and silence us –whether it is the external enemy or the government, especially at a time of the “freeze” whose meaning is-the destruction of the settlement enterprise and is very dangerous for the future of the Jewish People”.

We, members of Women for Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green) and the Judea Action Committee strengthen the hands of our brothers in Bat Ayin and call upon the People of Israel to help rebuild the houses that were destroyed. That is exactly why we founded, a few months ago, the YIBANEH fund for building and expansion in the hills of Judea. The Yibaneh fund will donate, already this morning 5000NIS ($1250) for the rebuilding of Mitzpei Erez and we hope many more will join.’”

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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