FM Lieberman Pushing his Land Exchange Plan

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman is working to advance his land exchange plan, a plan that entails turning over portions of Eretz Yisrael to the PA (Palestinian Authority) in exchange for their agreement that other areas remain under Israeli sovereignty.

Lieberman wants to bring the issues at hand to a ministerial forum to iron out differences towards obtaining a ministerial consensus, and then to present the master plan and all its details to the people for approval. He is a strong advocate of the land swap plan, convinced this will assist both Israel and the PA regarding land contiguity, as well as removing the unwanted other from the heart of the lives of both sides.

Lieberman is not a political novice and he is well aware that the differences among ministers are formidable, and bridging the gap between Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Minister Dr. Benny Begin will not be an easy task. Nevertheless, he remains optimistic and determined, for the foreign minister feels that the lack of a clear defined government policy is a major reason for Israel’s’ compromised position in the international arena.

Lieberman’s plan compels Israel to withdraw from isolated settlement areas in Yehuda and Shomron, but to annex areas including major settlement blocs. The Triangle area, Nachal I’ron (Wadi Ara), which has the highest population of Israeli Arabs would become part of the PA.

Lieberman on Tuesday released statements supporting the position of Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz, who is calling on Israel to stop supplying Gaza with water and electricity. This he explains must be done gradually and the Gaza regime must make alterative arrangements. He explains that Israel disengaged from Gaza and all services must be halted.

The daily Yisrael HaYom quotes “sources close to the prime minister” as stating this plan cannot serve as a replacement for direct negotiations with the PA in the framework of final status negotiations.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Not a bad idea at all. After all Israel ‘disengaged’ from Gaza- jews had to leave their homes and their fields and their parnassa and start anew somewhere else. It would be fair for the arabs to also ‘disengage’ from the coast and resettle somewhere else – in order that Israel is not split in two.

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