Tuesday Morning News Briefs from EY

An Arab male carrying a number of pipe bombs had a change of heart on Monday night, turning over the bombs to soldiers at the Chawarah Ckpt near Shechem.

**A terrorist tried to stab a border policeman in the Shuafat area on Monday evening. The attacker was overpowered. No injuries.

**About 700 dunam of forestry land was burned in a Monday blaze near Yishuv Gonen.

**A pedestrian was struck by a vehicle and seriously injured at Shar Binyamin in the Binyamin Regional Council district of Shomron on Monday evening.

**A 10-y/o boy was killed when struck by a truck in Jerusalem’s Abu Tor neighborhood on Monday night.

**A 15-y/o girl sustained a serious head injury, struck by a bus on Route 60 near Maale Michmas in the Binyamin Regional Council of Shomron on Monday night. She was transported to the trauma unit of Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital.

**A 5-y/o boy was seriously injured after being struck by a scooter on Even Gavriel St. in Haifa on Monday night. He was transported to the trauma unit of Rambam Medical Center.

**IDF soldiers taking part in counter-terrorism operations throughout Yehuda and Shomron apprehended 14 suspects on Tuesday night.

**Al-Jazeera: The fatal S. Chevron Hills shooting attack on Monday morning was carried out by terrorists affiliated with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ (Abu Mazen) al-Aqsa Brigade, an affiliate of the Fatah Party.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. This is an amazing bechira story, and powerful reflection of our capacity when we listen to our yetzer tov.

    Think about this young man, who has been steeped in evil his whole life. Since birth, he was fed a diet of anti-Semitism, bogus victimhood and a value system that prized him only for his murder/suicide capacity. Every parent, imam, teacher, camp counselor along the way exhorted him to kill innocent Jews. And then came the day of the fulfillment of his life’s mission, what he was instructed to do since day one. He was given his orders and even the supply of bombs with which to wreak havoc.

    And yet, despite all of that, an underlying decency and humanity was present even during his impressionable adolescence. He knew the complete message of his total society was immoral, and he did not follow through on his cultural programming. Aside from the fact that a lot of innocent life was spared by that eventuality, I think we can rejoice in his example of a tselem elokim flexing his spiritual muscles and rejecting his lifelong nihilism indoctrination. I hope he’ll grow wiser and make better and better decisions with more maturity, and inspire his cohort to do the same–obviously, provided his less noble “Palestinian” handlers don’t behead him first.

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