Modi’in Illit: Family Left for Shabbos – Their Home Burned

A fire erupted during the early morning hours on shabbos in a home on Yehuda HaNasi Street in Modi’in Illit, resulting in significant damage to portions of the home, Kikar Shabbat reports.

Neighbors detected the smoke and summoned the fire department, reporting the response was immediate. The door was broken down and the blaze brought under control, but the apartment sustained much damage.

Baruch Hashem, the family was not at home when the fire began, most likely the result of an electrical short from an appliance in the home.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. I obviously do not know what caused this fire. However, I have noticed over the years that many people hire none licenced workers to make major chance in their electrical systems. This is very dangerous on two levels. First, if the person is not licenced, there is a good chance he does not know what he is doing and can endanger you life and property. The second danger is that even if he did everything 100% but for an entirely different reason there was a fire, you most likely do not have fire insurance coverage. Most home fire insurance policies have a clause that if any illegal changes were made, they don’t have to pay. The first thing an insurance inspector will look for is changes in the electrical system. If he finds any, he will ask for proof it was done legally by a licensed electrician.

    BTW I am not either an electrician or an insurance agent.

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