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Friday Morning News Briefs From EY

One person was moderately injured when his vehicle flipped over on Route 38 near Ramat Beit Shemesh.

**Two policemen were lightly injured in a pursuit of thieves on the Gush Etzion – Beit Shemesh Road.

**A 16-y/o male sustained serious injured in a fall from an Ashdod building.

**Egyptian border police shot a Sudanese man dead at the Gaza border.

**A 70-y/o woman was killed and a 7-y/o boy seriously injured in a Jerusalem fire in the Shuafat neighborhood of the capital.

**Another to’eva parade is taking place in Tel Aviv on eruv shabbos R”L.

**IDF soldiers taking part in counter-terrorism operations throughout Yehuda and Shomron apprehended one suspect on Thursday night, in the Beit Lechem area.

**An IDF soldier was stabbed by an Arab male on Haifa’s HaChalutz Street during the predawn hours. His injuries were described as light. The assailant fled the scene. The soldier’s friend sustained light hand injuries. The suspect is believed to be an Israeli Arab citizen.

**Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has invited Hizbullah commander Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah to visit.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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