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Lapid Must Decide; Journalist or Politician

Prominent TV personality Yair Lapid is the subject of a Israel Channel 2 Authority directorate meeting to address his recent and increasingly frequent political comments.

Lapid, the son of the late cabinet minister and founder of the pro-secular Shinui Party seems to be filling his late father’s shoes quite efficiently, apparently setting the stage to officially enter the political arena and the re-launch of the vehemently anti-chareidi party.

The head of the Channel 2 Authority, Amnon Nadav told Israel Radio’s Reshet Bet that the authority received numerous complaints regarding Lapid, who seems to be abusing his journalistic position to advance his political agenda.

Recent comments by Lapid included his call to implement a compulsory draft for all chareidim, the refusal of settlers to leave Yehuda and Shomron, and the need for a party to represent the secularist viewpoint.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. what else is new, not for naught does the gemara say bra kra d’avuha (a son is the father’s thigh (part of the father))

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