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Olmert & Begin Oppose Commission of Inquiry

Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Wednesday expressed his opposition to a commission of inquiry into the Gaza flotilla operation, stating the time has come for the State of Israel and the IDF to stop probing and explaining every time it acts, warming Israel will be called upon many more times in the future by those who seek to compromise the nation’s security to justify its actions.

“The time has come from Israel to break free of the need to establish an inquiry every time she is called upon to defend her actions and the decision of the government”, stated the former prime minister addressing a Haifa University conference on Wednesday.

Minister without Portfolio Dr. Binyamin Begin concurs, also advising against the establishment of an inquiry. Begin explained the consensus is against such an inquiry, both among the people and in Knesset, and he sees no justification to compel elite soldiers and officers to justify their actions via an attorney, warning such an inquiry may be damaging.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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