Turkey Wants Gaza Embargo Lifted to Restore Ties

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu announced on Wednesday that his country is ready and willing to restore diplomatic ties with Israel, but Israel must first lift the embargo on Gaza.
The senior Turkish official explained the ball remains entirely in Israel’s court, and Jerusalem’s willingness to end the siege, to replace “anger with calm”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. There is no reason to mock the noble American bird – it has nothing to do with the country that is the surviving remnant of the Ottoman Empire.

  2. There’s no need to mock the Ottoman empire, either. We faired pretty well under them. They were from the oly countries that stood with open arms to our people at the time of the spanish expulsion.

  3. I am not criticizing the Ottomans, but only finding a way to make clear I am referring to the country we Americans (for some inane reasons) named Meleagris gallopavo after.

    Indeed, had the Ottomans managed to keep control of Eretz Yisrael we would have been much better off. They would not have objected to migration of Jews to their territory (they were big enough so it wasn’t a threat, and they never cared what the Palestinians thought about local matters they considered to be trivial). Zionism would have built up the yishuv without getting into a war, and there would have been no holocaust.

  4. The leaders making these decisions in how Turkey is run are not acting in the tradition of the Ottomans.
    What once ‘was’, is no more.

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