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Families of Diplomats in Turkey Ordered to Return to Israel

The families of Israel’s diplomatic corps in Turkey have been instructed to return home as the situation in that country becomes increasingly hostile against Israel.

Foreign Ministry officials, seeking to allay fears and play down the situation call the move routine, explaining this is standard procedure in cases of threats or an assessment pointing to a possible attack.

Both the consulate and embassy were closed on Tuesday, and the staff and their families were under instructions to remain home. While some family members have already returned to Israel, the Ambassador, Gabi Levi and his staff are planning to remain for the time being.

Israel Radio reports that following the cabinet decision on Tuesday, to maintain a low profile, senior state officials are of the opinion that there is no point in releasing statements that will only heighten tensions and therefore they do not plan to engage in a verbal tit-for-tat with Turkey. Behind the scenes diplomatic efforts are underway as well.

Placing Israel’s diplomatic relations with Turkey high on the priority list, the decision was made that the 380 Turkish nationals [among 682 flotilla insurgents] will not face criminal charged for their actions, hoping this may buy Israel some diplomatic points with Ankara.

Israel Police officials add that filing charges and placing foreign nationals on trial is a “complicated ordeal”, perhaps contributing to the decision.

Despite Israel’s noble gesture, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan appears determined to continue distancing himself from the Jewish state, opting to tighten the bond with the nations aligned with the Axis of Evil led by Iran. This has been an ongoing Turkish policy since the IDF’s counter-terrorism offensive in Gaza, Operation Cast Lead.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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