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Hamas & Fatah Still at Odds

The Hamas regime in Gaza and Fatah based in Ramallah, headed by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) remain bitter enemies, a significant factor since any agreement reached between Israel will not be honored by the other.

The al-Qassam website affiliated with Hamas report that Hamas has announced it will be boycotting Fatah sponsored municipal elections in PA autonomous areas on July 17th. They do not recognize the government of Abu Mazen or PA Prime Minister Salim Fayyad, since Abu Mazen’s tenure has expired, but fearing the unfavorable outcome of elections, has unilaterally decided to extend his term rather than face voters. His decision enjoys the support of the United States and others, who while realizing Abu Mazen is weak and an ineffective ruler, he nonetheless remain the preferable option with Hamas being the alternative.

The Hamas statement states the Fatah elections are aimed at assisting Fatah and “the supporters of the Oslo Accords”. Hamas warns such elections will serve to widen the chasm that exists between the factions today.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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