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Begin Assures: Building Freeze Will Not be Extended

Minister-without-Portfolio (Likud) Dr. Binyamin Begin announced he is certain Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will not extend the construction freeze, the 10-month decree that expires on 18 Tishrei (September 26, 2010). Mr. Begin announced that as indicated by the government when it decided to accept the White House dictate, the freeze is a one-time event, not something that will become policy.

Begin made his remarks in Knesset during a meeting of the Land of Israel lobby, stressing he simply cannot envision a situation in which the prime minister convenes the Cabinet of Seven, of which he is a member, to announce extending the policy which has halted construction throughout Yehuda and Shomron, and unofficially in Yerushalayim.

While less adamant in his statement, Minister of Intelligence & Atomic Energy Dan Meridor feels Israel should not be compelled to renew the building ban. Begin stated that we can assume as the expiration date approaches, pressure will increase on Israel to avoid a resumption of construction, but he does not believe Israel will acquiesce.

Vice Premier Moshe Ya’alon, another member of the Forum of Seven Cabinet last week announced that construction would resume at the end of the 10 months as well. He made his remarks while visiting Maon Farm in the Southern Chevron Hills.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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