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FM Statement on Gaza Flotilla

Following is a statement released on Tuesday, May 25, 2010, by Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor.

“Ships forcing their way into Gaza will do nothing to aid the people there. Existing land crossings are more than capable of meeting their needs. International aid organizations and the private sector of Gaza ensure that all the necessary food, medicine and clothing are provided to the Strip via Israel.

“In a typical week, 15,000 tons of supplies enter Gaza. Truckloads of meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, milk powder, baby food, wheat and other staples arrive in Gaza on a daily basis. Building materials are also shipped in, when monitored by International organization so as not to be commandeered by Hamas for the fortification of bunkers.

“Since the ceasefire in January 2009, well over a million tons of humanitarian supplies entered Gaza from Israel – that is almost a ton of aid for each man, woman and child in the Strip.

“The land crossings remain the most efficient system to transfer goods to Gaza, and the flotilla organizers are well aware of this fact. The organizers also know that since December 2008, their ships have been denied permission to land.

“Israel has invited the organizers of the flotilla to use the land crossings, in the same manner as all the reputable international organizations.

“However, they are less interested in bringing in aid than in promoting their radical agenda, playing into the hands of Hamas provocations.  While they have wrapped themselves in a humanitarian cloak, they are engaging in political propaganda and not in pro-Palestinian aid.

“If the organizers were truly interesting in providing humanitarian aid – as opposed to engaging in publicity stunts – they would use the proper channels to ensure delivery of any supplies.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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