MK (Balad) Jamal Zahalka led a protest of tens of participants on Monday to inform President Shimon Peres he is unwelcome in the Israeli Arab municipality of Shfaram. Mr. Peres was attending an event marking 100 years since the establishment of the community. Also present were Israeli Arab municipality officials from other communities.
Zahalka and his supporters explained that Peres did nothing to assist the members of the community indicted in the lynching death of the ‘Jewish terrorist’, IDF soldier Eden Natan-Zada, and therefore, he is not a welcome guest. They explained that before being neutralized, Natan-Zada murdered four community residents and the participants in the lynching should not have faced criminal charges for their actions. Police moved in and dispersed the protesters, permitting the presidential entourage to enter without disturbance.
Natan-Zada boarded a bus in 2005, opening fire at Arab passengers, murdering four.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)