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Israel’s Never-Ending Good Will to the PA

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) announced he is willing to enter into the proximity talks for a maximum of four months, sealing their fate before they began by listing the ever-growing unrealistic demands. At the same time, the PA launched it unprecedented boycott of good manufactured in “settlements”, releasing a list of 500 firms, followed by a zealous enforcement of the ban. In the meantime, the PA has done absolutely nothing towards signaling any willingness to comply with the Oslo Agreement signed in 1993. There is no recognition of the Jewish state’s right to exist, and the incitement against Israel continues in PA schools and media. These are just two examples.

Israel’s response; additional good-will measures to the PA, including the easing of restrictions for PA residents and motorists throughout areas of Yehuda and Shomron.

A meeting was held between IDF Central District Commander Major-General Avi Mizrachi, the Head of the Civil Administration; Brigadier-General Yoav Mordechai; and PA officials.

Mizrachi informed the PA representatives that the following good-will measures will be added to Israel’s list of gestures.

Entry of tourists into Beit Lechem will be permitted via all crossings.
50 Israeli tour guides will be issued entry permits to Beit Lechem.
The Adh-Dhahiriya crossing, southwest of Chevron will be opened to allow free passage of Palestinians.
Easing of restrictions for senior Palestinian businessmen going through security crossings.
The Kedar road, near Maale Adumim, will be opened for Palestinian movement.
60 additional road blocks will be removed throughout the Judea and Samaria region.
Israeli – Arab civilians will be permitted to travel through all security crossings located on the Judea and Samaria region security fence.
Additionally, they will be able to enter Tulkarem via Crossing Checkpoint 104 on weekends.

The IDF Spokesman’s Office adds, “The IDF will continue to operate firmly against terrorism while sustaining liaison and coordination with Palestinian officials, in order to maintain the life routine and security of all residents of the Judea and Samaria region and the State of Israel”.

Once again, good-will measure are being implemented at the expense of the residents and the Jews who travel the roads of Yehuda and Shomron (Judea and Samaria), including the removal of security checkpoints.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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