Kosel Bus Bombarded with Rocks

A number 2 Egged bus traveling from chareidi neighborhoods in the capital to the Kosel was bombarded by Arabs hurling rocks near Shar Shechem on motzei yomtov the daily HaMevaser reports. B’chasdei Hashem there were no injuries in the attack. There are no reports of police making any arrests.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Oy.. Why is it that the police are so quick to arrest frum people for violence but the arabs can do whatever they want and unless they kill someone the police dont say boo. B”H everyone is ok. Maybe Egged should start making # 2’s bullet proof as this seems to be happening on a more regular basis. [I have been on a bus twice when they threw rocks and other stuff. ]

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