Mofaz Slams Livni’s Anti-Chareidi Campaign

MK (Kadima) Shaul Mofaz, who holds the party’s second slot, lashed out against party leader Tzipi Livni for her recent verbal assaults against the chareidi community. In an interview with journalist Avi Blum, Mofaz has broken his recent period of silence and lashed out against Livni’s “hate campaign against chareidim”, expressing his opposition to her position.

Mofaz stated that he is confident that at least half of the party is against her actions and the anti-chareidi campaign, rejecting those who prefer to be a part of the popular “political trend”, joining in with their anti-chareidi statements. From an electoral point of view he warns, those speaking out against the entire chareidi community will learn that their words are simply a tragic error, which will be reflected at the polls.

Labeling himself “traditional” and one who respects our heritage, Mofaz feels the campaign surrounding efforts to compel chareidi mosdos to study ‘core subjects’ is a mistake, citing the fact that behind the scenes efforts to bridge the gaps between the chareidim and other sectors have proven far more successful than public assaults.

He blames Livni for making too many mistakes, including her refusal to sign a deal with Shas that would have closed a coalition deal and placed Kadima as the ruling party. He is confident that had he been in the party’s first position, he would have succeeded in building a coalition government.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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