Degel Searching for a Replacement for Mayor Gutterman

Shortly after police recommended filing criminal charges against Modi’in Illit Mayor Yaakov Gutterman, Degel HaTorah officials began looking ahead, at the day after, seeking to find a suitable replacement.

According to the Kikar Shabbat report, “rumors” point to Rabbi Yaakov Wallenstein, the deputy mayor and one who is close to Maran Rav Elyashiv Shlita. Another name being considered in Rabbi Mordechai Karelitz, a former Bnei Brak mayor and a man credited with extricating the city from a dire financial situation.

While aides to Gutterman explain they remain optimistic, senior Degel officials seem to believe the case against the mayor is a solid one, prompting their decision to begin seeking a suitable replacement.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Instead of bringing in these outsiders, why not have the elections that never took place last year? There are candidates including one particular English-speaking person, who spent a LOT of money on advertising, then had to bow out with his tail between his legs when Gutterman cancelled the elections. Whoever is the best man for the job should be chosen through the proper channels, not through protexia – hey perhaps I should become Mayor!

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