Concerns Over Waning Dutch Sympathy for Israel

According to an internal Foreign Ministry document, the Netherlands joins the list of nations preferring to distance themselves from Israel. The Ynet report states that even the Dutch, with their longtime staunch support of Israel, is rethinking that relationship and opting to cool relations, the ministry’s internal document states.

The report goes on to explain that the Netherlands feels its human rights agenda is somewhat in conflict with events in Israel today, leading to a decline in the historic unconditional support of Israel.

In line with the media in other countries, the Dutch are fed a dose of PA (Palestinian Authority) propaganda, portrayed as the underdogs, the downtrodden victims of Israeli aggression and the powerful IDF. The embargo on Gaza plays a central role in tarnishing Israel’s image in the European community and elsewhere, not to mention the Goldstone Report, which accused Israel and its military of war crimes and crimes against humanity, accusing Jerusalem of violating international law in its counter-terrorism military offensive in Gaza.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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