Israel: Women Arrested for Distributing Flyers

Naomi Ofen and Ayelet HaCohen were taken into custody by police, along with their children as they were paying a visit to the home of MK (Ichud HaLeumi) Uri Ariel, who resides in Kfar Adumim, in the Judean Hills.

It appears the two were handing out leaflets in support of their husbands, who are banned from returning home to Yitzhar by an IDF administrative order. The leaflets say “my dad is not a terrorist”. In their hearings, the two were told the Shin Bet has gathered secret confidential information that shows they pose a threat to the public. Since the evidence is not revealed, the attorneys for the two cannot possible refute the allegations.

Both fathers have families, a total of 11 children Baruch Hashem, including infants, and they are not permitted to visit or live at home.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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