Another Damaging State Comptroller’s Report

Once again the Office of the State Comptroller has released a report and once again the media is reporting on segments of the comprehensive investigations carried out by his office. Some of the more interesting chapters in this latest report address nepotism in Israel Police by none other than Chief Cohen; the alarming realities regarding Har HaZeisim; Minister of Agriculture Simchon who gave perks to family members; overcrowding in emergency rooms; the cost of healthcare; the Foreign Ministry spending NIS 25 million without a tender; poor psychiatric care; and Bituach Leumi lags to name a few.

Following is a synopsis of some of the topics addressed by State Comptroller Justice Micha Lindenstruass in his latest report. Sadly, while the reports detail issues of national significance, government adherence and corrective measures are often lagging and/or non-existent.


The disrepair that exists in Har HaZeisim has been ongoing for a number of years and during the tenure of a number of administrations. While renovations have begun, they are seriously lagging and the situation is simply intolerable, also citing the concerns regarding the lack of security and continued vandalism. The vandalism in many occasions destroys any progress made on location.

Lindenstruass wisely points out the historical significance of the ancient cemetery, which plays a major role in religious life as well, noting there are some 60,000 kevarim and the situation must be drastically improved.


This portion of the report addresses Minister of Agriculture Shalom Simchon, whose reform appears benign on the surface, but when one digs a bit deeper, one learns that the minister is a loyal family member; ensuring perks are awarded to his close relatives.

The ministry’s reform to relocate chicken coops to northern area, thereby removing them from communities is a direct conflict of interest since he and family members are residents and members of the community Merom HaGalil, and directly benefited from the reform package.

As the reform was moving along, when investigative journalist Moshe Lichtman shouted “conflict of interests”, the minister denied the accusation but later, when confronted, told the state comptroller’s office that he would remove himself from the decision-making process due to the obvious conflict that exists.

Estimates state that if the reform had been pushed through as originally intended by Simchon, he would have netted a cool NIS 500,000.


The report is harsh in its review of the promotion of Israel Police office Moti Cohen, a senior officer who happens to be a brother of the department’s chief. While he officially withdrew from the promotion process, placing it in the hands of his deputy Shachar Ayalon, he did indeed involve himself in every detail of the process, ensuring his brother was promoted as he saw fit. His interference led to a number of senior officers resigning from the force as well.


This segment of the report refers to the tenure of Tzipi Livni as foreign minister, during which time NIS 25 million was dished out for an insurance company without announcing a tender as required by law, as well as paying vendors in the United States monies that never should have been paid.

The ministry simply closed a deal with an American company to provide health insurance for members of the diplomatic corps without probing prices and posting a tender as required.

Kadima party officials have already released a message that Livni was in no way personally responsible, adding Lindenstruass mentioned the ministry and not the minister by name.


The Office of the State’s Ombudsman report Bituach Leumi (National Insurance Institute) violates the law, citing cases in which people and companies entitled to hearings to question payment requests are not granted the hearings, compelled to pay in total disregard for the law, which compels Bituach Leumi to address such queries, spelling out the process. The report cites disregard for the law which results in increased payments to the agency.


The report cites a Housing Ministry blunder that resulted in the elderly, Holocaust survivors and other entitled to discounts, were in actuality compelled to pay an increased electric rates.


The report cites cases in which students were rejected from a number of chareidi schools under, with parents informed “they are unsuitable”, but the state comptroller targets Chinuch Atzmai with charges of simple discrimination.

The report continues, as in past reports, citing other major problems but the question remains what if anything will be done, to the police chief, the healthcare system, the minister of agriculture, the foreign ministry and many other government agencies.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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