Russia Continues to Arm Israel’s Enemies

After Russia insisted it must complete the sale of advanced anti-aircraft systems to Syria, it appears that Moscow is in the business of arming Israel’s enemies, supplying Syria, which in turn feeds Hizbulla0068.

According to a Reuters report, Russia is not looking into working with the Syrians to build a nuclear facility, Russian Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko is quoted as having told Reuters.

This would be in line with the strengthening of ties between Russia and Syria, as President Dmitry Medvedev made an official state visit to Damascus, addressing cooperating in the sphere of atomic energy. Of course the leaders explained in their press conference that any talk of nuclear energy is strictly for clean electric, not military purposes, in line with the Iranian mantra.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. More dead russian technicians, to replace the korean ones wiped out last time.

    With any luck Putin and Medvedev will be there at the test.

    PS – where do I send a check to help the Chechens?

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