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Israel Islamic Movement Official Acquitted of Rioting Charges

Sheikh Rayed Salach of the Israel Islamic Movement northern branch was acquitted of charges of rioting and incitement to violence in connection to al-Aqsa Mosque dating back to 2007. He was found not guilty be the Jerusalem Magistrates Court. The charges stem from a protest in the eastern capital during which he carried a Syrian flag and accused Israel of working to bring about a collapse of the mosque as a result of renovations taking place in the area of the Mughrabi Gate entrance to the Temple Mount.

The sheikh called on Arabs to protest and launch another intifada to save al-Aqsa. His attorneys however succeeded in pointing out contradictory testimony from policemen as well as showing video footage from the event, providing the court with enough doubt to dismiss the case.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Are these the same police who love to beat up and arrest Cheredim who said the Islamics were supposedly not rioting?

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