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Tuesday Morning News Briefs From EY

Aliza Olmert, wife of former PM Ehud Olmert, released a statement on Monday that she has faith in the legal system and she believes her husband will not be arrested.

**A 49-y/o male is reported in light-to-moderate condition after being bitten by a snake in the Golan Heights. He was transported to Ziff Hospital in Tzfas.

**Dozens of Israeli Arabs protested in the Haifa area on Monday night against the arrests of two community members, suspected of espionage by working with Hizbullah.

**Lebanese PM Hariri stated he supports Hizbullah receiving Scud missiles to defend itself against an Israeli attack.

**President Shimon Peres received an honorary doctorate from Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

**Tombstones in a Christian cemetery near Kibbutz Baram in the north were vandalized. Police are investigating.

**PM announces he will strive for lowering taxes this year.

**A driver sustained moderate injuries when his vehicle drove into a ditch in Bat Yam.

**Two riders on a motorcycle were killed when their motorcycle flipped in Netanya during the night. The fatal accident occurred in the city’s industrial area.

**The death toll on the nation’s roadways has climbed to 151 since January 1, 2010.

**An estimated 200 chareidim attacked police with rocks on Shomrei Emunim St. late Monday night. They burned garbage cans earlier in the night. The protest seems to have been against plans to move the bones at the Barzilai Hospital building site.

**Tuesday’s forecast calls for a sharp drop in temperatures and an increase in humidity.

**IDF soldiers taking part in counter-terrorism operations throughout Yehuda and Shomron apprehended 3 suspects on Monday night.

**Senior Haaretz correspondent Akiva Eldar writes he too is joining the PA boycott of goods produced in Yehuda and Shomron, urging the government to adopt this policy too.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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