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Pelephone Launches Charedi Campaign

The Pelephone Company, one is Israel’s cellular telephone providers, on Monday (26 Iyar) launched a campaign directed at Israel’s chareidi community. For every client that joins or upgrades a phone to a new package, the company commits to donating NIS 100 to one of three tzedaka organizations, Kupat Ha’Ir, Yad Eliezer of Chassdei Naomi. The client may determine which of the three chessed organizations will receive the donation.

The campaign was kicked off at a festive event hosted in the Sheraton City Tower Hotel in Ramat Gan on Monday in the presence of the city’s chief rabbi, Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau Shlita and directors of the chessed organizations.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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