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Peres Seeks to Lower Tensions with Syria

During his visit to Russia, President Shimon Peres on Sunday released a message to Syria seeking to lower tensions between Damascus and Jerusalem. Mr. Peres was attending ceremonies marking the Russian army’s 65th anniversary of its Nazi defeat. He of course met with state leaders including President Dmitry Medvedev.

Realizing the president maintains a good relationship with Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, Mr. Peres asked him to convey his message of peace to the Syrian leader, explaining Israel is not seeking war, which is the “last thing Israel wants”.

The president added however that despite Israel’s yearning for peace; this cannot be actualized while Syria continues arming Hizbullah with advanced weaponry including Scud missiles.

Ironically, Russia is fulfilling a Syrian order for an advanced anti-aircraft system, which Israel fears will also be shipped to Hizbullah. In its defense, Moscow stresses the anti-aircraft system is defensive, not offensive.

Mr. Peres ceased the diplomatic opportunity, seated near Chinese President Hu Jinato, speaking with him about the Iranian threat and China’s ability to halt Iran’s nuclear program. He called on the Chinese leader to support sanctions against Iran, with Jinato releasing a statement highlighting the good relations that exists between his country and Israel.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. He “ceased” the opportunity?? He stopped talking?? That would be a first for Peres! Don’t you mean he “Seized” the opportunity.

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