Justice Goldstone: Calling the Kettle Black

It appears that the honorable Justice Richard Goldstone, of the infamous Goldstone Report which cited Israeli war crimes against Gazans during Operation Cast Lead, executed a number of blacks during the dark Apartheid years in South Africa.

According to a Yediot Achronot report, in his capacity as a justice serving on South Africa’s Transvaal Supreme Court from 1980 until he was appointed judge of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in 1989, Goldstone used his judicial authority to enforce the “emergency laws” of the Apartheid rule. The Yediot report states that the honorable judge sentenced 28 blacks to death by hanging.

Interestingly, in his report on behalf of the United Nations, Goldstone, who is a member of or serves on the board of a number of anti-Israeli organizations, including Center for Transitional Justice and Physicians for Human Rights upheld a different standard when he was part of the racist Apartheid System.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. far worse than his upholding murder convictions, was his upholding punishments, including flogging, for blacks convicted of breaking apartheid crimes…such as visiting with white women

    goldstone only cares about goldstone

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