Pressure Mounts Against Israel’s Nuclear Program

The head of the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is working to apply pressure on Israel towards compelling Jerusalem to join the nuclear nonproliferation treaty member nations. In addition, he is seeking to compel Israel to open the doors to the Dimona nuclear facility to international inspectors.

Yukiya Amano has sent a letter to the foreign ministers of the agency’s 151 member nations, seeking support for his impetus to compel Israel to comply with the international treaty and open the Dimona site for inspection.

The letter dated April 7th is a direct result of Arab efforts against Israel at the UN conference this week, calling for a nuclear free Middle East. These efforts are led by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, who insists Israel and Iran must comply with the international standard.

America is calling for caution, explaining such a move must be preceded by progress in Mideast peace-making efforts.

The IAEA has however passed a resolution directly criticizing Israel for its atomic program, a resolution passed in a 49-45 vote with 16 abstentions. 110 nations were present for the vote.

The vote is yet another sign of the growing anti-Israel sentiment in the international community as the Islamic influence on the global scene continues to gain momentum. The radical change in the White House’s policies has undoubtedly facilitated the global Islamic agenda, event at the expense of American interests, such as the paralyzed response concerning Iran’s nuclear program.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. This is like a bunch of organized criminals who just stabbed an innocent victim to death still standing over the body with their guns out and blood all over themselves who see someone they know has a knife only for self defense who keeps it hidden in his pocket and never threatens anyone with it, and the thugs who just committed murder, are screaming “stop that guy he’s dangerous”.

  2. #2 are you nuts? Do you really want Israel to start a nuclear war???

    Israel should join the Nonproliferation Treaty — but as an admitted nuclear power!

  3. Once again we see the double-standard at work. Why is it that Ahmadinejad, yemach shmo v’zichro, can continuously get away with claiming that Iran’s nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes, while Israel cannot?!

  4. #3, do you really want iran to start a nuclear war???

    do you want israels hands tied behind our back while the hostile nations are allowed to pursue underground nuclear proliferation?

    #3, i think deep down your the minority in your opinion, unless you take into account the antisemitic opinion then you’d be the overwhelming majority

  5. #3, we dont have an eye for an eye situation. one strike and were extinct unlike the gentile nation. its not so equal to match punches here. about any gentile nation on earth would vote to sacrifice themselves to harm israel.

  6. Hmm… I don’t think nuking Iran would start a nuclear war only because there are no deterrants in place for it.

  7. “The vote is yet another sign of the growing anti-Israel sentiment in the international community as the Islamic influence on the global scene continues to gain momentum. The radical change in the White House’s policies has undoubtedly facilitated the global Islamic agenda, event at the expense of American interests, such as the paralyzed response concerning Iran’s nuclear program.”

    This last paragraph although 100% correct should have been a post here rather than part of the news story.

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