Talks To Resume Between Israel & The PA This Week

Proximity talks as they are being called are set to begin this week, on Wednesday, bringing Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority) back to the diplomatic table as it were, albeit, mediated by a third party, more accurately shuttle diplomacy and US-initiated pressure.

US special Mideast envoy George Mitchell is expected to lead the process, acting as the go-between. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has decided to personally represent Israel.

The prime minister on Monday leaves for Egypt where he will meet with President Hosni Mubarak ahead of the proximity talks with the PA, hoping to set the stage for the mediated talks. He will also raise Egypt’s call for a nuclear free Mideast. Mubarak has been working to have US President Barak Obama advance this noble agenda, seeking to remove the nuclear threat from the region, including Iran, Turkey and Israel. Accompanying the prime minister to Egypt will be Minister of Trade Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, who maintains a most cordial relationship with the Egyptian president. A press team will not be permitted to accompany the prime minister. reported on Sunday that Mitchell received a letter from Israel promising to avoid any provocative acts during the talks. The letter, which reportedly provides an Israeli guarantee to halt construction in Yehuda, Shomron and eastern Yerushalayim during the mediated talks was passed to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) by Mitchell. The report adds the letter also promises not to carry out any home demolitions in the Arab sector or evict residents during the same time period, in an effort to avoid torpedoing the process.

Haaretz reports the talks will begin with discussing security arrangements in Yehuda and Shomron as well as water resource issues.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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