NYT Makes Big Deal Out Of NYPD Bomb-Squad Robot Used Every Day In Israel

To most people there, it was a sophisticated, technologically advanced response to a looming catastrophe. But the police reaction to the report of a car bomb in Times Square on Saturday night was more than a century in the making, drawing on the expertise of a unit that has seen its share of lean times over the years, and tragedies.

A robot that looked like a moon rover was the latest issue, and an officer wore the most advanced Kevlar suit. Both were used after the authorities learned of a box with smoke pouring from it in the back of a Nissan Pathfinder sport utility vehicle parked on West 45th Street.

After the 9/11 attacks, the Police Department’s Bomb Squad came to be seen as the vanguard of the city’s terror response. On Saturday night, in its highest-profile test since then, they responded with flying colors, according to the unit commander, Lt. Mark Torre. They had been preparing for decades.

Read complete article at NY Times website.

2 Responses

  1. Excuse me, but I do not understand why the editors should think that this pointless story would interest the readers of YWN.

    Could some kind soul please take a moment to enlighten me, please?

  2. reb yid, just because you dont find the story enlightening doesnt mean that everyone thinks like you. besides, perhaps YWN was merely pointing out its’ superiority to the new york slimes.

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