Levaya Of Rabbi Moshe Hirsch, Neturei Karta Leader

4:15PM IL: Rabbi Moshe Hirsch z”l, the controversial leader of Neturei Karta was niftar in Bikur Cholim Hospital Yerushalayim today, Lag B’Omer, during the afternoon hours. Hirsch was best known for being an outspoken advocate of his extreme anti-Israel hashkofa, tenacious in his opposition to the secular state.

During the tenure of arch terrorist Yasser Arafat, Hirsch served as a member of his government, his advisor on Jewish affairs.

Hirsch was hospitalized about six weeks ago after arriving at the hospital complaining of “shortness of breath”. Details of the levaya will be announced later in the day. There is speculation that the PA (Palestinian Authority) may send a representative to attend the funeral.

UPDATE 6:30PM IL: Kol HaChareidi news is reporting the levaya for Rabbi Moshe Hirsch will begin at 6:30pm in Meah Shearim, from the Yeshuos Yaakov Shul, and from there proceed to Har HaZeisim.

The report adds that a number of PA (Palestinian Authority) officials will represent the PA at the funeral.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

64 Responses

  1. There is speculation that the PA (Palestinian Authority) may send a representative to attend the funeral.

    Then let them bury him as well.

  2. BD”E

    Which hospitals in e”y are funded by the state? I know that many are, of course, but presumably Bikur Cholim is not, or Rabbi Hirsch would not have consented to be admitted there.

  3. The term Rabbi seems inappropriate regarding this man.
    #3 ALL hospitals in Israel receive some form of state funding, even if it only through the kupat cholim.
    This is another example of the NK hypocracy, they will take but still condemn the giver.

  4. I’m not condemning his action only because I dont feel comfortable doing it when someone is on his way to Olam HaEmes. He will be forced to explain his actions to Bais Din Shel Maalah. It would be nice to watch a video of the trial and its outcome, but we cant and therefore dont know and wont know till we ourselves are there.

  5. YWN standards are wonderful!

    R’Abba Gorelick’s levaya gets relegated to the back page while the anti-semite gets put on the regular main news page.

    My compliments on your judgment!


  7. Honored Editor: It is harldy appropriate for you to put up this picture at this time. You are doing a tremendous disservice to this man, who after all is a fellow yid, at the time of Judgement by remembering and reminding about this. I would have expected much better judgement on your part. This is scary. And I in now way condone the NK. But after all is said and done, his neshoma needs a nechoma and an aliya. Not this.

    And to all of you nay-sayers: we are all sinners in some way. Whether public or private. We all need rachamim and we will need even more after 120.

  8. To #14:

    Of course none of us are perfect. But few of us have done the damage that this man did, by meeting with and supporting the sworn enemies of Klal Yisrael.

  9. The only ones I feel bad for are those whose last names are “Hirsch” or whose first names are “Moshe”.
    And I am sure there are several loyal Jews with the name Moshe Hirsch who feel doubly besmirched by this traitor.
    Hope for him has to be based on the possibility that during the six weeks of his final illness that he regretted his traitorous acts.

  10. YWN editor: Still don’t understand why it says z”l and not o”h or something else. Are the editors sleeping on the job?

  11. To his son Yishmoel Mahmoud: Allah yenachem eschem besoich avlei Jenin veRamallah.

    On behalf of our paymasters Mahmoud and Amal Ahmadinejad, we wish to convey our condolences upon the death of the greatest Rabbi the Jewish people have ever been saddled with. May his death be a kappooore, a kapppooore, a kappoore, for him and his son.

    -Haroun Cohen, Yishmoel Daoud al Beyda, and Moussa al-Dib Beck, Ambassadors Plenimpotentiary of the Ku Klutz Kartel to the Islamic Pistachio Ain’t Even As Big as a Banana Republic of Iran.

  12. Baruch hashem therw is one less person like ths in eretz yisroel that we have to worry abt. I would want to see him when he reaches the kisei hakavod

  13. unbelievable!

    to call a soneh yisrael a rabbi
    to put z”l next to his name
    and to give details to his levaya

    he should be buried face down

  14. The differences between the ideology of Al Quada, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Fatah, Communist Party, Louis Farrakhan, etc. and the ideology of Neturei Karta:

    1. Ideology of Al Quada, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Fatah, Communist Party, Louis Farrakhan:

    Viva Palestina
    Freedom for Gaza and all “Palestine”
    Aid convoys to Gaza
    Return of all Palestinian refugees to their “rightful” land
    Eretz Yisrael belongs to Yishmael
    Denial of the first Rashi in the Torah
    Insane hatred for Jews who made great sacrifices to rebuild Eretz Yisrael

    2. Ideology of Neturei Karta (see nkusa web site):

    Viva Palestina
    Freedom for Gaza and all “Palestine”
    Aid convoys to Gaza
    Return of all Palestinian refugees to their “rightful” land
    Eretz Yisrael belongs to Yishmael
    Denial of the first Rashi in the Torah
    Insane hatred for Jews who made great sacrifices to rebuild Eretz Yisrael

  15. Perhaps in a hundred years from now he will be the one remembered?


    Yes, when Moshiach comes and Lag Be’Oimer becomes a sort of second Purim where we laugh at the death of the Ku Klutz Kapo. This guy took money from Arafat YMS. That makes him a KAPO plain and simple. He was not a harmless loudmouth like the rest of the Kartel.

  16. YWN Thanks for the big news,
    Today ל”ג בעומר died the last תלמידים who “hated one each other”,
    So it’s an appropriate day…
    Let’s hope one simcha will bring other simchas

  17. As much as I disagree with the shitas of Neturea Karta, Moish Hirsch was still a yid and his death deserves to be treated the same way YWN treats any other death i.e. with a pic of a candle. I felt the pic posted was in poor taste

  18. Firstly leave out zl.He should not be buried in a jewish cemetery>And for all of you that cry for this little hitler,feel sorry for the yidishe kids that were killed by arafat with his support!

  19. WOW WOW to all you people who are critisizing YWN or any other comments against Moshe Hirsch, I got some news for you: Chazal say you are chayav to discriminate an apikores in his face and behind his back. A person who befiended the biggest Jew hater and helped and caused Jewish deaths is an outright apikores and deserves to be critisized to the highest level. And anybody who feels that doing so is not appropriate is a borderline apikores himself. If the feeling of how bad and crazy he was doesn’t hit you in the face, there is something wrong with you. The Gemara says, 1 of the signs to determine if a person is a Jew is if he has mercy, and befriending the world’s largest terrorists is the furthest thing from mercy. So maybe his mother was really an arab.

  20. ——————————————————————————–

    Baruch hashem therw is one less person like ths in eretz yisroel that we have to worry abt. I would want to see him when he reaches the kisei hakavod

    Comment by tzirel — May 2, 2010 @ 12:00 pm

    Never say so, He was a Gaon Atzum, you will never reach his level, not in thousands years.

    There is more to worry about the mizrachi and the real zionists, the mizrochnics:Ad mosai atem poschim al shnai saifim….And who killed Dr Yaakov Dehan?

  21. please don’t waste our time on stuff like this. Just being reminded of that picture has dampened my lag ba’omer simcha.

  22. “As much as I disagree with the shitas of Neturea Karta, Moish Hirsch was still a yid and his death deserves to be treated the same way YWN treats any other death i.e. with a pic of a candle. I felt the pic posted was in poor taste.”

    –Poor taste??? The man supported Holocaust deniers and terrorists who want to wipe Jews off the face of the earth! I don’t care how against Israel you are, to support terrorists is wrong. There’s a saying, if you are kind to the cruel, you will be cruel to the kind. Z”L should be removed from his name.

  23. what a chutzpa to post such a news brief! accorfing to klal yisroel this man was dead years ago when he supported arafat! we need not to know about care about and hear about him. a meshumad and apikoras. i think that it is wrong to keep this artical up and the picture. please do the politicly wrong but ethnicly right thing and remove it. i think that mrs. doubtfire is right but the name is wrong… 🙁

  24. This person was condemned by Rav Elyashiv and many other Gedolim. Why does he merit the appelation “zichrono liv’racha? He was no better than a kapo, and in many ways much worse. He died in a state-supported hospital, cared for by “Zionist” doctors, defended by Israeli police and Israeli military and security forces, and now he is to buried on Har HaZeisim! Unbelievable chutzpah.

  25. Did he ever do Teshuva for his treason?
    If not we must look to our Shulchan Aruch and commentaries about how to respond to the death of a Jewish traitor.

  26. I see many posts here that have plenty of derogetory information for Rabbi Hirch and the Neutrei Karta Hashkafa. Can someone give me a LOGICAL

  27. sorry submitted post accidently before I finished writing.
    basically can someone give me a LOGICAL explanation that correlates with the TORAH perspective of why the Hashkafa of Neutrei Karta is wrong?

  28. The question is not on the nature of their hashkofo but on their shameful ,reprehensable manner in which they try to relay their message to the world.

    I stand to be corrected as it was before my time, but I think the Rebbe Reb Yoilish ZATZAL put this man in cherem!

  29. To all of you, who might ignore the Halocho of Loshon Horah, which is worse to talk about a deceased person this is #1, then #2, try to remember that the Chofetz Chaim writes, whoever talks about an individual derogatory and ill about him, gives that individual all his merits, torah learning etc and in exchange takes on himself all negative and chas veshalom so called “ill” of that individual. So think before you talk, and let’s first make sure we have a clean slate and are so perfect and elitist before speaking ill of anyone, especially a deceased!

  30. Interesting
    frumimaof3, you are aware I am sure that Hitler is a direct descendant of amalek who’s ancestor was Eisav who was the worst enemy of the jews. Do you remember in parshas Vayishlach when Yaakov sent gifts to eisav and kissed him (which I would say is a greater show of affection than a handshake). He did all this to appease him in order that he should not kill him and his family. Our great grandfather Yaakov left us the legacy that we should be Machniya to the goyim in times of golus and definitly not instigate them like some others are doing.

    I definitly agree with smilingrps2 regarding the issur of loshon hora, after all we are all going to be in beis din shel maale one day and will have to defend our statements.

  31. Even though I don’t agree with most of his political views on the existence of EY, at least the PA representatives are showing some Kavod to the niftar, which is more than I can say about most Israelis. The family should only know from simchas.

  32. Need Help is quite an apropos name.
    NK sides with today’s Hitler. What part of Hitler did you not understand??

  33. Swissyankee, NK is trying to mitigate the harm the Israeli’s and their frum supporters are doing, (BTW many european jews were killed and not allowed to emigrate because of the ‘wonderful’ Israeli government that was forming, it was built on Jewish blood. I recommend that you read some documentary literature on this matter, there is plenty of it.

    If the truth is what you’re seeking, you’ll find it.

  34. need help, Eisav was the brother of Yaakov.. Eisav didn’t kill Yaakov..

    Also, if you want to pick on the Israeli gov’t not allowing jews to immigrate to Israel.. you forget that the Good Ole USA sent Jews back to Auschwitz. You forget that many jews gave up on shabbos , kashrus and all the rest to become “more American”.. how fast the anti secular zionists forget about that. I am no secular zionist lover but I think demonizing the actions of the Israelis is not well placed if you don’t acknowledge that what has gone on in the US , even with all the Torah growth, has been verrry bad for the Jews. Soooo many jews don’t even eat kosher, keep shabbos or even know what those things mean in the USA. At least in Israel they have some judaism to them even if they don’t want it.

    The Israeli gov’t is no different than any other gov’t… There are so many frum ppl in Eretz Yisroel and the actions of NK could bring more harm then good.

    You can be anti secular zionist but as the Baal Shem Tov says , you can find kedusha in anything. There is sooo much good going on in EY.. So much has happened since 1948.. Ppl in the US send their kids to EY to learn and become stronger Jews. That would NEVER be possible under British or any other non jewish ruler..

  35. also, did Mordechai shake the hands of Haman? doubt it. Avraham did make a treaty with Avimelech but they weren’t trying to kill him nor did they ever kill him.

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