Jordan’s Abdullah Takes Another Swipe at Israel

Jordan’s King Abdullah II is definitely seeking to maximize the pressure being exerted on Israel from the international community regarding construction in Yerushalayim. Once again, the king released a warning, stating “Israel is playing with fire” regarding the need to halt construction and “withdraw from Arab lands”.

The king unabashedly speaks of the “Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem” in line with the fictitious history portrayed by the entity known as the “Palestinian people”, Arabs who are in reality Jordanians but since the leader of the Hashemite Kingdom does not want them living in his country, it is to his advantage to push the PA (Palestinian Authority) agenda, one that will rid him of the “Palestinians” as well as compelling Israel to absorb them into her population, delivering a serious demographic blow to the Jewish state.

Speaking to member of the diplomatic corps, the king state “We want peace and strive for it, because all the people of the region are entitled to a just peace,” his standard mantra that lacks any backing in action on the part of the regional Arab community, which over recent months has displayed a significantly increasingly hostile attitude towards Israel.

In the Jordan Times report, Abdullah speaks of the need for “justice for the Palestinian people” and the need for Israel to withdraw from “occupied Arab lands”. It is interesting since it was Jordan that occupied the Old City of Jerusalem from 1948 – 1967, seeking to destroy any and every trace of yiddishkheit in the area, defiling Har HaZeisim and other holy sites, but now, brazenly expresses concerns over Israel’s intentions to defile Muslim holy sites, once again, a propaganda statement intended to increase world pressure on Israel.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. i think the only one who is a occupier and the land belongs the jews are the so called palestinians/jordan and the poor dessert king Abdullah

  2. Yechiel, please, I appreciate your reports but do just that only – report the news not adding your own commentary. Let us (the public) leave comments in posts (which you can do as well but not in the news story).

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