Police Say ‘No’ to Annual Yom Yerushalayim Parade

As preparations are underway for Yom Yerushalayim, which is observed on 28 Iyar, commemorating the day paratroopers liberated Yerushalayim from Arab occupation in the June 1967 Six Day War, Israel Police officials have announced that this year, it will not permit the march to pass through the Damascus Gate, only the Jaffa Gate as result of violence that occurred during last year’s march initiated by dozens of parade participants.

Customarily, tens of thousands of marchers take part in the Rikud Degalim Parade, which has been an annual event for some two decades. This year however, the organizer, the Am K’Lavi organization has been informed that the Damascus Gate (Shar Shechem) is off limits. This has prompted MK (Ichud HaLeumi) Dr. Michael Ben-Ari to turn to the High Court of Justice against Israel Police.

Police commanders explain that the situation in the capital is fragile and they cannot risk another incident in the eastern area of the capital.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. Amazing.

    This is obviously kowtowing to Obama’s demand that Israel hold back from any official ‘occupation’ actions in East Jerusalem.

    Just to add my two cents and apologizing for bothering anybody on this board, as a resident of Jerusalem for more than a generation I have never seen any meaningful Jewish occupation anywhere in the historically Arab parts of East Jerusalem like Sala-e-din street and the American Colony anyway. Obviously the Jewish Quarter does not count.

    The only Jewish ‘settlement’ of East Jerusalem has been in totally unoccupied areas like Maalei Adumim etc. Forcing the doors and placing a few people in Sheikh Jarrah or Silwan houses with 24-hour-a-day police guards around them is obviously a Potemkin village, a fake, and nothing more.

    The kosel is clearly going to be ours no matter what happens, even if Abbas gets his dream of Jerusalem being the capital of his state.

    Security is the vital issue to us, not Sala-e-din Street.

  2. Lets be fair, and not just start bashing.
    Do you know what happens during these parades? There is violence and the destruction of property. Keyholes are glued shut, or ruined by sticking s toothpick in it and then breaking off the section that is sticking out (pretty clever!!). While I cant say I feel too bad about the damage, we cant condone it or allow it to happen.

  3. # 2 – Don’t be so ridiculous . You are being Motzei Shem Ra about thousands of Yidden who just what to show Hakarat Hatov to Hashem and a display of pride in the wonderful Nissim he bestows on us every day in that the Ir Hakodesh is in our hands.
    We should all join in and march to the Kotel to give shevach and Hodayah to Hashem.
    Instead you decided to focus on a handful of mindless morons who cause damage to property.

  4. The headline is misleading. The police only said no to marching through the Arab sections, they didn’t say no to the whole parade.

    as, yungerman1 said, we don’t have to poke the arabs in the eyes, even if we control yerushalayim.

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