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Israel: An Act of Chessed or the Justice of Fools?

Israeli medical professionals over the weekend saved the life of a girl, not just any girl, but the 3-year-old daughter of a senior Hamas official in Gaza, Interior Minister Elham Fathi Hammad. She underwent open heart surgery in Gaza, which was unsuccessful, leading to doctors to arrange for her transfer to a hospital in Amman, Jordan. 

While Israeli officials agreed to permit her to leave Gaza for the life-saving trip to Jordan, medical experts realized she was not strong enough to endure the trip, so she was taken to Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon, where her condition was stabilized through surgery. Only after surgical intervention, which lasted a number of hours, was a Jordanian chopper dispatched to transport her from Ashkelon to Amman for continued care, in stable condition.

While the event was picked up by the Jordanian media, it was ignored by the Hamas and PA (Palestinian Authority) media agencies, and of course, the minister, Elham Fathi Hammad, released a public statement thanking Jordan’s King Abdullah II for his efforts.

What about Gilad Shalit?

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

11 Responses

  1. Just so I understand:

    The person who wrote this thinks Israel should have let a 3 year old girl die, because her father is a bad guy who was insufficiently grateful. He then implies at the end that willfully allowing the 3 year old daughter of a senior Hamas official would have somehow helped Gilad Shalit.

  2. So how would killing a little girl help? Killing enemy civilians would require a Beis Din or Urim v’Tumin – I don’t think the kenesset” is in the same league?

  3. What does the question at the end have to do with th article?
    I’m glad that Israel holds themselves to a higher standard than Hamas. Its really common sense. They don’t need to be praised for not murdering a 3 year old innocent girl!

    Furthermore Doctors take what’s called a Hippocratic Oath which requires them to heal whoever comes through their door regardless of if you don’t like him/her or if he/she is an evil person. Technically, even if her father came in for surgery they would have an obligation to heal him. Its a big disgrace in the medical field. when a Dr. doesn’t uphold that oath.

  4. Wouldn’t it have been smart to heal her up, and then release her TO HER OWN FATHER ONLY. Ya, come to the hated Israel and pick her up from those israeli “B”. Oh and make sure to sign the release forms.
    No tricks, just maybe a photo-op.

  5. Presumably, had this Mr. Hammad publicly thanked the “Zionist Entity” for helping his daughter, he might have been out of a job (or more). That doesn’t mean he was or wasn’t grateful, and I see no reason to assume either way, but the lack of public thanks could be due to political reasons above all else.

  6. The question at the end makes A LOT of sense!

    Why couldn’t Israel say, “We will gladly try to save this girl’s life, but first you have to release Gilad Shalit”?

    Answer: Because the Israeli govt. ARE a bunch of fools.

  7. 99% of the Arabs (including those treated by Israeli doctors)laugh at us, and justifiably.

    If the Israeli doctors treated the Arab girl to assuage their consciences that’s one thing, but if they did it for good will purposes, it was wasted.

    In Ein Karem Hospital there was a woman who overheard a conversation between an Arabic woman to her daughter. The daughter was complaining to her mother that she was in pain and she was angry with the nurse who was attending to her. The mother told her daughter in Arabic “Don’t worry when you are older you will kill that nurse.”

    That’s their hakaras hatov.

  8. Yanky

    I can’t believe I seriously need to say this to someone:

    Israel couldn’t say that, because holding a critically ill 3 (or 20) year old hostage is morally reprehensible. And while I know that Hamas is currently holding an Israeli hostage, really, “Israel: At Least We’re Not Worse Than The Terrorists We Fight” is not a slogan I want to see anytime soon.

    But ignoring that, have you even thought through this idea a little bit? Israel demands Shalit’s release in exchange for medical treatment. Hamas, not exactly an organization famous for its concern for the lives of individual Palestinians, says no. She dies and is promptly made into the latest martyr to the Zionist enemy. Gilad Shalit remains in Gaza. Israel can no longer say they’ve never been complicit in the death of a three year old girl. I’m pretty comfortable with the government’s choice on this one. I sincerely hope you reconsider as well.

  9. The child was not held as a hostage. She and her mother were allowed out of the Gaza Strip but was too ill to be immediately transferred to Jordan.

    Therefore she was stabilised in Barzilai Medical Centre in Ashqelon, before being transferred.

    Now. Who do you think suffers? Gilad Shalit will not be released alive by Hamas, no matter how many children of Hamas members are treated in Israel.

    Gilad Shalit will not be released alive by Hamas, no matter how many Palestinian prisoners are released from Israeli prisons.

    Hamas do not stop rocket attacks on Israel, they just say “oh, it’s some other group” but Hamas rule the Gaza Strip.

    And who suffers because Barzilai Medical Centre in Ashqelon treated this little girl, and all the other Gazans, many of whom are Hamas members?


    Ashqelon is my “local” hospital, and I think I should know how Israelis are discharged far too early so that beds are freed for the Hamas terrorists.

    Because I’ve been one of them.

    What do you people know? Nothing. You haven’t been under constant bombardment for eight, nine years now, with no safe place to go to.

    I love children, but cut out your sympathy for a three year old Gazan child, the child of a top Hamas official, and think of the ISRAELI children who weren’t treated while she was.

    Think of us Israelis for a change.

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