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Report: Yemenite Jews and Israel in Terrorist Sights

A Gaza-based terrorist organization calling itself Abu Amir, which is opposed to Hamas, has turned to al-Qaeda in Yemen to target leaders of the Yemenite Jewish community towards ousting the Jews from that country. The move is part of the terrorist organization’s war on Jews, the daily Haaretz reports.

The report is based on emails from someone in Yemen calling himself  Ali Hussein, a member of a Yemenite Shiite organization opposed to al-Qaeda, in which he attaches a hand written note addressing the requested targeting of Jewish leaders, as well as detailing their names.

Hussein does not stop here, but also reports that al-Qaeda is planning to establish a training base in Sinai, and long range missiles will be brought to this base to facilitate attacks against Israel. There is also mention of a planned al-Qaeda missile attack from Saudi Arabia against Israel’s nuclear facility in Dimona involving Quds-1 missiles. Hussein explains the missiles are manufactured by al-Qaeda in Iraq.

He adds that his emails were sent to Haaretz to attract international attention to their objections to the ruling Yemenite government and their demands that they be permitted to establish a political party.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. All the Jews in Yemen should be rescued immediately.
    Bring them to Israel, the UK or the US.
    Where they choose.
    No coersion, do not try to change their customs

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