AUDIO: Self-Hating Jewish Radio-Host Won’t Retract Statements That Charedim Are ‘Leeches & Worms’

[AUDIO LINK BELOW] In a follow-up to his hateful broadcast earlier in the day, radio host Gabi Gazit stated “I do not retract a word of what I said about settlers or chareidim, but perhaps not all of them burn flags. Maybe they do not have flags or some wish to burn them and simply don’t.

Gazit spoke with Zaka founder and leader Yehuda Meshi-Zahav, who deplored the actions of the “extremists” stating he stands as he has done in past years.

Regarding Meah Shearim, where Gazit stated it is known no one stands idle for the Memorial Day siren, Meshi-Zahav stated the chareidi community is significantly larger than Meah Shearim and a few extremists are not representative of the entire chareidi community. He added they are hurting themselves since they want the non-frum community to respect their wishes, the shabbos in their community, yet they trample the wishes of others by burning flags. Their actions also harm the interests of the chareidi community. Meshi-Zahav stated he is certain that followers of chareidi parties, Shas and Degel HaTorah and Agudas Yisrael, do stand.

“There is a small extremist faction, Neturei Karta, that do not stand. That is true”. Meshi-Zahav decried the fact that none of the chareidi newspapers condemn them in public, lamenting the fact they hurt the chareidi tzibur more than the non religious, placing the numbers of these people at about 200.

The Zaka leader decried the chilul Hashem caused by the Neturei Karta, their meetings with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Holocaust deniers, as well as their extremist action, which he stressed is in no way in line with the chareidi community.

Meshi-Zahav cited the recent sad incident in which members of Neturei Karta destroyed a Jerusalem memorial for victims of the number 18 bus suicide bus bombing attack as was reported by YWN-Israel.

Gazit closed by welcoming Meshi-Zahav’s comments, and his refusal to accept the “extremist barbaric ideology despite his roots”.

AUDIO LINK: Click HERE to listen to the latest audio clip, where he refuses to retract his hateful statements about Charedim made earlier today as was reported by YWN Israel.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

22 Responses

  1. He’s Hareidi???????

    If he is a hiloni, he isn’t self-hating. “Self” hating means he hates his own group – if he hates us, he is just a normal bigot.

  2. Akuperma: He is a self hating JEW. A chiloni who hates a charedi, and a charedi who hates a chiloni, are both self hating Jews.

    It’s like a person hating his arm; he hates himself.

    Yitamu chata’im, v’lo chot’im.

  3. i agree with yehuda meshi zahav that the real chareidim should take it upon themselves to minimize the hatred and not be oiver on lfnei eever by allowing the chilonim to think we are all rotten apples

  4. I don’t understand Meshi-Zahav, Why should we stad? when they’le say Av HoRachamim every Shabbos then we’ll stand… When they’ll fast on Tisha B’av then we’ll stand!

  5. #2– have you checked his mother and his maternal grandmother? He might be a goy of Jewish descent, as are many Israelis.

    In any event, it is highly unlikely (based on his surname) that he was raised as a Jew or in a Jewish community. He is hating someone of a group he was raised to believe was totally separate and distinct from the group he was raised to perceive himself as being part of. Therefore he is just a typical hiloni bigot who hates people who are different in general, and in particular, hates us.

  6. “Hilonim” pay the bulk of the taxes in Eretz Yisroel that go to subsidizing the “Chareidim” – “Hilonim” serve, and too many die, in Zahal while the all but a few “Chareidim” don’t – and if news this week is even partially correct, a great many “Chareidim” are less than honest when reporting time spent in yeshiva.

    So . . . I suggest it would more productive and less infantile to present arguments defending the current status-quo on the merits, rather than leveling irrelevant ad-hominom personal attacks on Gazit.

  7. MDshweks, I don’t believe you for a second. The religious Zionists who do all the above also say Hallel on Yom Haatzmaut.

    Do you?

    Or do you criticize them for being Zionists?

    Drei mir nisht a kup. If this radio shows comments were not at least partially true, everyone would have simply ignored him.

    Truth is, he is hitting a bit closer to home than any of us care to admit to ourselves.

    Think about it….

  8. MDshweks- your comments are silly. “mah inyian shmitta etzel har sinai?” what does tisha be’av have to do with respect for all the kedoshim -many of them chareidim- that died ,killed by arab soldiers and terrorists? it is simply “nimussim”-respect and recognition of a fact. are you inplying that you only mourn jews who fast on tisha be’av? now- that is truly sinass chinom!

  9. apukerma (comment 5)- you are totally clueless when it comes to the halachas of who is considered a jew. Check your shulchan aruch. Plus, has nayone checked your yichus?

  10. Living in israel u see why chilonim hate chareidim..
    1. no army
    2. no taxes
    3. no jobs
    they live off the working class – and on top of it they bite the hand that feeds them…

    if neturai karta/chareidim dont like our wonderful state then let them leave…
    God obviously loves this country – even if its NOT to the perfection that he deserves… we BH celebrated our 62 birthday -62 years of nissim every single second….

  11. Ami #7, you missed the point! The religious Zionists are also only keeping this “Moment of Silent” in respect for the seculars. Religous Jews know that the true respect for the fallen, is praying and fasting in their honor.
    So the comment meant, why do we have to respect the fallen in the secular (non-jewish) method, while the seculr don’t respect the fallen by saying Av Horachmim, & fasting on Tishah b’av. Good question!

  12. I don’t like the fact the he equalizes “settlers and chareidim”. Settlers support the country, they work, pay taxes and most important, they send their children to the army, unlike the chareidm.

  13. The problem is not that Charedim don’t stand for the siren.

    No, the problem is that they don’t do ANYTHING to honor and respect the fallen. If they would at least say Tehillim, as their own sign of respect, then no one would criticize them.

  14. As an employee of the Israel Broadcasting Authority (a government agency), Mr. Gazit has absolutely no right to voice his bigoted opinions on the public airwaves. Because this is a domestic issue within Israel, we Americans should not get involved.

    However, if this were to happen in the U.S., it would rightfully be condemned and the offender would be fired. Free speech does not provide a license to publicly spew hate of religious or ethnic groups, based on supposed transgressions of some of their members.

  15. Many if not most settlers are cheredim.

    Also the seculars who founded the state had the same contempt back then for the religious as they do now so this stuff about what charedim do that is supposedly so ‘wrong’ is hypocritical for them to be whining about.

    It’s just excuses.

  16. #13 – I would add that I don’t like that he paints all “chareidim” with the same brush.
    I don’t even think it is correct to characterize a Jew that hates another Jew as “chareidi”.
    Was R’ Aryeh Levin ztz”l “chareidi”, is R’ Grossman shlit”a (from migdal ha’Emek”) “chareidi”? Are the frum young men in Nachal Chareidi who put their lives on the line to defend Jewish life in Eretz Yisrael, chareidim??? Do any of these great men belong in the same category with those that desecrate memorials to Jews killed in terror attacks (some of whom were chareidim themselves)??? – or those who burn garbage in the streets of Yerushalayim??? – or those who spray bleach on the clothing of those THEY decide are not adequately tzniusdik?
    The medina has MUCH that is VERY wrong with it. The right approach would be to work to fix what is broken, not to burn it down and help our yishmaeli enemies.
    I would have to agree with #10. Let the haters either leave, or build isolated communities that use NONE of the infrastructure (electricity, water, sewers, etc.) of the “state”. Otherwise they are hypocrites. They might also want to take a moment to consider what would become of them if the IDF was not there. Their sinas Yisrael is not a mida that will grant them Divine protection.

  17. Your Sister #16 – I believe the world depends upon supporting those who learn. I also think this holy principle has been turned into a mockery by huge numbers of people who claim subsidies for learning when they are clearly scamming the system . . . and with the support of the Chareidishe political parties (now there’s an oxymoron if you stop to think about it)

    I defy anyone out there to point to anything in Shas that supports the mass subsidies the Chareidem claim of right in Israel. We are supposed to support the elite – the budding Talmidei Chachamim – not entire hoshkafas

    (Is this you, Lil JB?)

  18. There are weeds in our garden, and the problem is wider than just a few NK crazies. The Jerusalem edah has not sufficiently or successfully distanced themselves from those who they term a few wayward youths. There were far more than a few youths at various protests where derech eretz was notably absent. Those that burn garbage and close the streets are plain gazlanim, and posul l’ledus. Those that had to burn a flag davka in the chatzer of the Kadosh Rav Kahaneman, are likely ain laham chelek lolam haba. Beyond the Hillul Hashem, these imposters and their enablers deny the broader community a voice in the public square. Yes, there are worms and slugs, and they must be trod upon to keep the place clean.

  19. The truth is here to come and see.
    Nothing is black and white, except for maybe the dress!
    There are chareidim that serve in the army. I believe over 1,000 enlisted last year! I am sure they are listening to HaRav SHteinman shlita who said they should serve if they are not learning. Better to serve than to lie – albeit in a way they can halachically. And the more chareidim that serve, the more the army WILL acquiece to their needs – it will have to!
    There are chareidim who stand, and some who sit. Some say tehillim, some don’t. I try to learn from all aspects of what each approach can teach. The Niturei Karta teach us not to forget how the Israeili government took advantage of holy Neshamos. The Dati Le’umi teach us to revere the fact that we have part of Eretz Yisrael to come to, to work, to live on. We must appreciate all the sacrifices made to be able to live on this land, and feel saddened that it is not totally al pi halachah yet! I think we can do this, without being so offended by the others’ reactions. Then we can learn and come together – “Bekomim alai mereim, tishmana oznai!” We can learn from the fact that this chiloni is not impressed. Learn and be better! And we can learn from the concept of Hakoras Hatov, and still follow our Gedolim simultaineously! Only if we do NOT FALL INTO all or nothing thinking, commonly known as black and white thinking 🙂
    Kol Tuv to ALL AM YISRAEL!

  20. he may have been born a yid but its possible these kind dont have a yiddishe neshome, literally speaking see M’A simen 48 and shloh hakodesh on the bracha ‘shelo asani goy’…

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