Yonatan Razel Calls for Tefilos on Behalf of His Daughter ‘Rivka Bas Yael’

Singer Yonatan Razel, who brings much joy & spirituality to many homes is now turning to the tzibur for assistance, on behalf of his daughter Rivka bas Yael.

Rivka, 4, is the little girl who fell from a ladder on Shilo Street in Yerushalayim’s Nachlaot neighborhood on Monday night as she and her father were climbing to the rooftop to watch the Independence Day fireworks, as was reported by YWN-Israel.

Yael began CPR on the girl, and Ichud Hatzalah responders worked with MDA paramedics to stabilize her and transport her to a trauma unit. Police spoke with Yonatan and Yael on the scene, deciding they were not negligent and there will be no investigation or criminal charges.

Rivka remains in an intensive care unit in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital following complicated surgery. Neurologists are “optimistic” a family member told YWN-Israel, but Am Yisrael’s tefillos are still needed.

[Yonatan is most famous for his hit song “V’hi Sheamda”, which was sung by Yaakov Shwekey.]

(Yechiel Spira – YWN)

4 Responses

  1. Refuah Shelayma! I owe him big time I love that song! I will Bli Neder add the name by Refaeinu and I hope others will as well.

  2. WellInformedYid, I hope you would add the name even if Razel didn’t make up the song! We should be led out of this Galus very fast! Vihakadosh Baruch Hu Yatzilaynu Meyadam!

  3. Chushuva Yid,
    There are likely over a few 1000 cholim nebach. Do you say all of their names in your Shemoneh Esrei? I bet you do…

  4. WellInformedYid, when I am a WellInformedYid about one specific choleh, I actually add him to my shmoneh esray!

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