Erlau Rebbe Shlita: World Leaders Should Heed the Iceland Message

The Erlau Rebbe Shlita, a member of the Council of Torah Sages of Agudas Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael announced that the volcanic activity that halted air traffic over Europe sends a clear message to world leaders.

Following shachris in his beis medrash on Sunday, the Rebbe addressed the cloud that halted air traffic, impacting the world. He explained nations of the world believe that they run world affairs, but the Creator of the World Blessed be His Name wished to show the world there is a ruler of the world. He called on followers to recite chapter 46 of Tehillim daily, after shachris and mincha, to arouse Heavenly mercy, the daily HaMevaser reports.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. BH Klal Yisroel has leaders who see clearly the Hand of Hashem in this world and who can give us the clear Daas Torah concerning all situations.

  2. Those who wish to be stubborn will dismiss it as
    something “nature” throws at us from time to time.

    The amazing thing is that many cliam G-d supposedly does not exist and yet they go around attributing things out of their control to the benevolence of “The Universe”. “Oh “The Universe” has provided (this opportunity, or whatever), for me” they say.

    I have even seen it on commercials from athiestic Hollywood.

  3. The Chofets Chaim,regarding “natural” disasters, warned “Vhachai yiten el libo.” Haiti, Chile, China, Indonesia, LA (70 – 3.0 tremors)all this year since Rosh Hashana. No chiddush here.

  4. an email going around now states:

    65 years ago the ashes of the Jewish people who were incinerated in the crematoria of Poland and elsewhere covered the skies of europe-
    now, on the day when we commemorate the shoah – the 27th of nissan – ashes began to cover Europe. Today is the day when all eyes are turned to Poland for the funeral of their president –
    There is a Jewish G-d in Heaven and on earth

  5. Mark Levin,

    You probably consider me a PC lib, but I happen to agree that HKBH is in charge — even of volcanos.

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