Canceled Flights Leaves Tens of thousands of Israelis Stranded

The cloud that resulted from the volcanic activity in Iceland has shut down airports from Iceland to Ukraine, leaving many travelers stranded, including some 30,000 Israelis who planned to be in Israel for Memorial Day and Independence Day, observed on Monday and Tuesday respectively.

There are no signs of the cloud letting up any time soon, resulting in what many are calling an air crisis but there is hope of a resumption of some flights on Sunday. The volcanic event marks the worst disruption of air travel since 9/11, September 11, 2001.

El Al announced plans to begin an air shuttle from Madrid and other airports hoping to operate on Sunday, as the national carrier works to bring home as many people as possible ahead of the holiday week. The bold plan appears questionable at present due to the volcanic cloud that has eliminated visibility, shutting down European skies. El Al Director-General Eliezer Shkedy calls on passengers holding tickets from any European destination to call 03-977-1133 to ensure themselves a spot on the special flights being arranged. On Sunday morning, El Al announced that it now appears there will only be limited flights to European destinations leaving Tel Aviv on Monday, with all flights to northwestern Europe being canceled.

At least 150 flights into and out of Ben-Gurion International Airport were canceled since the volcanic incident began last week.

El Al also announces anyone with a ticket for a canceled flight may use the ticket at a later date, or alternatively, cash it in. The airline adds that hotel expenses incurred by stranded motorists will not be paid by the airline.

Trade and industry officials in Israel report the cessation of air travel over Europe has also resulted in a disruption in imports, now confirming reports that there is a significant fish shortage in Israel as a result.

On the international scene, many national leaders announced they will not be taking part in today’s state funeral for Polish President Lech Kaczynski due to the travel disruptions. Leaders who have already notified Polish officials that they will not attend include the US president, Canadian president, the prime minister of S. Korea and the president of Spain. Israel’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman also canceled his planned participation in the state funeral. Nevertheless, some 100 state leaders and representatives are still expected to take part in the funeral.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. It did affects millions of travellers world wide, since it has effectively closed most of northern Europe to aviation. Israel is among the least affected countries in the region.

  2. what can you expect. Yehsiva world give obama much more of a say than when a godol beyisroel was nifter just before pesach, and the gemoro shabbos 105b says that that warrants a volcanic reaction.
    if we don;t rectify the issue more to follow
    hashem doesn’t forgive on kovod hatorah in such a rush

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