VIDEOS AND PHOTOS: Peleg Yerushalmi Hafganos Begin In Jerusalem; Arrests Made; Water Canons Brought In


6:20PM IL: As promised, the Peleg Yerushalmi, the followers of HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita have begun hafganos following the arrest of a talmid yeshiva in Ofakim on Purim. He was arrested for failing to register for the draft, in line with instructions from Rav Auerbach.

The Yerushalmi branch leaders called for stormy protests in response to the arrest.

The first protest began on Wednesday afternoon 17 Adar at Jerusalem’s Bar Ilan Junction.

At least ten arrests have already been made as of this posting.

Water canons and horses were used by police to disperse the protesters blocking the intersection which was inconveniencing thousands of people stuck in traffic.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. Several countries use water cannons with bright green dye in the water that will leave harmless but long-lasting stains on the clothing and skin of the demonstrators. I suspect many of these meshugaiim would think twice if they knew they would come away from their illegal protests looking like hangovers from a St Patrick’s Day party for several weeks…indeed, we would have a new genre of chareidim called “Green Hats”. They should not be allowed to disrupt daily life for hard-working residents of Yerushalayim without consequence.

  2. BTW, it’s only 5:25 here. We haven’t changed our clocks.
    And yes, they are a HUGE inconvenience to the rest of the population, including the rest of us chareidim.

  3. I don’t get these protests. If the Talmid broke the law then he should expect to be arrested. See what would R”L happen to him if the Arabs were ruling the country and he would break the law.

  4. I wonder if Rav Auerbach shlita is for or against these “stop traffic” protests. I understand protesting, but by show of numbers on the sidewalks with signs, not by blocking traffic. How do they expect to sway people to their side this way?

  5. The spiritual power of 1 Talmud Chochom learning Torah can protect 40,000 people. How many people can 1 soldier with a gun or 1 tank protect? By drafting Jewish boys into the army, the Israeli government is “cutting off its nose to spite its face.” It would be good if a Chareidi Jew could sit down with a member of the Israeli government to explain that the more Jewish boys learning Torah in Yeshiva, the better it is for the people.

  6. First of all- Rav Auerbach IS for these type of hafganot. He’s the one who sends his followers out to to do them. And the idea of a chareidi Jew talking to a member of the govt. to explain the power of learning- dream on. In any case the excuse that they’re drafting chareidim against their will is a myth. Whoever said otherwise is lying. All of Rav Shteinman’s followers do what they have to do and are sitting and learning peacefully without having to waste time and disrupt everyone else’s lives by sitting in the middle of the street blocking traffic.

  7. Arye: so I’m not the only commenter with my comments not being posted? I submitted comments and proof that YWN only posts a partial picture of the chain of events in another article they wrote. My comments were not published. I personally reached out to YWN to determine why this was happening, but to no avail.

  8. To No. 7

    Azoy…so at a 40,000:1 ratio, we need only about 187 yungerleit shteiging to protect all 7.5 million yidden in EY against the terrorists meaning that all the rest of these bochurim can be enlisted at least part time into some form of public service to help in schools, hospitals, etc (since not all of the 187 may satisfy the Ebeshter’s definition of “talmedei chachamim”, probably want a few hundred more learning at least part time to assure 100 percent coverage for national security.

  9. #9-Gadol- Not so sure you are that, but in any case I do not follow your logic at all. Maybe someone else does. But who’s talking about talmidei chachamim or public service? All I said was that there is no gezeira of giyus chareidim- it’s part of the propoganda of the ones who are making the hafganos. Proof is that those who went and registered according to the law (Rav Shteinman’s followers, who btw make up probably 90% of chareidim) are still sitting and learning peacefully. And those who want to serve in the army or do any form of public service will do that too, regardless. Nobody’s forcing them.

  10. Bnei Yeshivah should regard themselves as the elite of the world and behave as בני מלך.
    To sit in the street, on the street and be ridiculed and despised is a בזיון to the Torah, whose uniform they ware.
    Really sickening sights reminiscent of Europe in the 30’s except that these dumb kids bring it on themselves.

  11. Bnei Yeshivah should regard themselves as the elite of the world and behave as בני מלך.
    To sit in the street, on the street and be ridiculed and despised is a בזיון to the Torah, whose uniform they ware.
    Really sickening sights reminiscent of Europe in the 30’s except that these dumb kids bring it on themselves.

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