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Court Rejects Appeal by Lupoliansky

The Petach Tikvah Magistrate’s court on Friday rejected an appeal from former Jerusalem Mayor R’ Uri Lupoliansky, who was seeking to overturn a lower court ruling order he remain in custody for an additional five days.

Justice Avraham Tal explained that based on the evidence presented to the court, the demand that he remain in custody is justified regarding the unfolding events in the Holyland investigation.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. The only evidence reported in the Hilonim press is that the developer donated to his favorite charities (a Kollel, Yad Sarah), and that he supported building permits (which he probably should have been supporting regardless). His lifestyle doesn’t suggest a secret source of funding.

    By comparison, Olmert (who hasn’t been arrested) has been accused of accepted massive amounts of cash for personal living expenses. Curiously, Olmert has been living very well for someone whose entire adult life has been as a government employee.

    Time to start comparing this to Beiliss or Dreyfus??

  2. YonasonW, I could be wrong, but I think that deepthinker was being sarcastic. He is just fed up that they are going after just Chareidi’s now!

  3. #2 – Last time I checked, being dan l’kaf zchus also applies to chareidim. And it’s not like you even brought facts to prove that he might have done something, you just came in mocking those who assume that “Chareidim do no wrong”.

  4. Akuperma – this is from The Times of London:

    “On Wednesday night detectives arrested Uri Lupoliansky, Mr Olmert’s successor as Mayor of Jerusalem, in connection with the case dubbed “the real estate scandal of the century,” by the media. Investigators say the case is far more serious than the previous charges levelled against Mr Olmert in which he was accused of accepting envelopes stuffed with cash from a Jewish-American businessman in return for favours, and of fiddling his expenses when he made trips abroad for Jewish organisations.”

  5. #6 – You have still not shown any proof that Uri Lupoliansky has done a single thing wrong. As a matter of fact, nobody even said what it was that Uri Lupoliansky supposedly did.

  6. Mr. Olmert is probably in big trouble (he has clearly been living much better than his salary as a public servant would allow) – but as a reward for dismantling the Gaza settlements he can expect a pass. So far, they haven’t even accused Lupoliansky of anything other than “politicing while frum” (admittedly a serious offense, since it offends the secular sensibilities of the zionist elites). The alleged bribes to Lupoliansky, so far, consist of the developer support frum charities (and since no sane person would do that, they must be a bribe).

    One suspect the goal to to protect Olmert (why punish the Israeli politician best known for dismantling settlements), is to make it illegal for a non-frum entity to ever donate money to any frum charity or yeshiva (for fear of being accused of offering a bribe to frum politicians).

    As I said, time to start thinking of Beiliss and Dreyfus.

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