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R’ Amsellem Seeking to Prevent Dispute Surrounding Barzilai Bones

MK (Shas) Rav Chaim Amsellem has released a call to the rabbonim shlita, leaders of the Eida Chareidis, to avoid a major violent protest surrounding the Eida’s objections to the moving of bones in Ashkelon to permit the construction of the new fortified emergency room wing of Barzilai Hospital.

He adds that particularly now, during sefiras ha’omer, we must be that much more aware and make a sevenfold effort to avoid widening the chasm in Am Yisrael. In his written response to the rabbonim regarding the announcements of a major protest this coming week, Amsellem adds that “We are dealing with non-Jewish bones or a ‘safek’ of non-Jewish bones, and the bones may be removed in a respectful fashion.

In  the Eida’s announcements for the protest, it states, “There is no immediate issue of pikuach nefesh that permits exhuming the bones”, stating there is simply no heter to exhume the bones and they warn if the bones are moved, Chazal teach us the consequences on the community of Ashkelon may be most severe.

Earlier in the week, R’ Amsellem made another effort to reach an understanding, quoting a Ramban that states one may even move Jewish bones from anywhere in Eretz Yisrael to bring them to Yerushalayim, stating this would provide a solution that permits exhuming the bones while not compromising halachic considerations.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. good morning Amsallem.
    hes been out of the news a couple of weeks and is now looking for some new headlines. have we forgotton when he opened his mouth with new pesokim against the daas gedolim.
    there those that we can say about them, hashtika yofo lohem.

  2. An MK, or any politician, has no standing. This is an issue for the Rabbonim and Gedolim, not for some MK. The Gedolim – from Rav Elyashev, Rav Shterbuch, etc. – have denounced the uprooting of the Kevorim and we must act.

  3. Volvie, days back in Yeshiva ketana & gedolah, my rebbe taught us from Pirkei Avos, “Be like the disciples of Ahron Hakohen and PURSUE PEACE”

    That means all of us, no matter where our standing, political title or abudance or lack of torah learnin. I agree #3 – GO FOR IT…

  4. We would have no threats of katyusha rocket in Ashkelon if SHAS and the other Charadi parties didn’t support Sharon’s disengagement plan that involved moving a the Gush Katif Cemetery with 48 Jewish graves.

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