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Thursday Evening News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

Attorney Uri Messer is being released to house arrest after posting NIS 400,000 bail. He was told he may not leave the country and he must turn over his passport.

**Dozens of Arabs were hurling rocks in the area of the perimeter fence of the community of Karmei Tzur in the Gush Etzion area.

**An El Al flight unable to land in London due to visibility conditions was compelled to land in Athens due to lack of fuel. Flights are rerouted due to volcanic activity in Iceland resulting in poor visibility and the closing of some aerial lanes. Many flights have been canceled and/or rerouted, flights from both Israel and N. America to and from European destinations.

**A motorcycle driver was seriously injured in an MVA on Route 5 near Kfar HaYarok.

**The major traffic snarls in Tel Aviv on Thursday were caused by a special police training event simulating a terrorist takeover.

**Former PM Olmert will release a statement to the media at 8:00pm. His advisors report he will not answer questions from the press.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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