Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Remarks At The Start Of His Meeting With Russian President Vladimir Putin

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Thursday, 11 Adar, arrived in Moscow for a meeting with President Vladimir Putin. Mr. Netanyahu will be returning home to Israel immediately following the meeting.

Following are the following remarks at the start of his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin:

“Mr. President I am very pleased to see you again.

Our frequent visits reflect genuine friendship and a tightening of relations in economics, technology, tourism and culture, as well as the living bridge of the one million Russian speakers living in Israel. One of them is translating for us now. But in this context, I would like to point out that in recent months we concluded the agreement on pensions between us. I would like to thank you for your personal involvement.

One of the things that we are fighting together is radical Islamic terrorism. Of course, in the past year there was significant progress in the fight against the radical Sunni Islamic terrorism led by Daesh and Al Qaida; Russia has made a very important contribution. Naturally, we do not want this terrorism to be replaced by the radical Shi’ite Islamic terrorism led by Iran.

I thank you for your Purim greetings. 2,500 years ago in ancient Persia there was an attempt to destroy the Jewish People that did not succeed and we mark this on the holiday of Purim. Today there is an attempt by Persia’s heir, Iran, to destroy the state of the Jews. They say this as clearly as possible and inscribe it on their ballistic missiles.

Of course, I would like to say as clearly as possible: Israel is a state today. We have an army and we are capable of defending ourselves. But the threat of radical Shi’ite Islam threatens us no less than it does the region and the peace of the world, and I know that we are partners in the desire to prevent any kind of victory by radical Islam of any sort.

I thank you for the welcome.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. The Fast of Esther this year (Netanyahu visiting Putin) is the same as the original – when the representative of the Jewish people (Esther) went to intercede with the powerful regional ruler (Ahashverosh) to stop the great Jew-haters in Persia/Iran from moving forward with their plans to destroy the Jewish people. The Fast was meant to provide divine assistance on this mission; so Jews can today (pray for) wish “behatzlachah” to Netanyahu in his quest to have Putin deflect modern Persia from its plan to create a military presence on Israel’s border as a first step towards its destruction….
    Note the additional parallel: from the megillah we see that what Esther was granted (or requested) was the same as what Netanyahu will hopefully be granted (or that he requested): not that the major regional power would act to stop the Jews’ enemies (out of the question), nor that they help the Jews against them (unrealistic), but merely permission to be allowed to defend themselves against their enemies (as indeed Netanyahu was granted the right, which he exercised numerous times recently, to act in Syria [Russia’s new fiefdom] to destroy missile and other shipments of weapons going to Hezbollah).

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