Iran Announces it’s a Month Away from Nuclear Independence

American officials remain confident, insistent in defending American intelligence data that states Iran’s atom bomb is not about to become a reality. This contradicts Israeli assessments as well as statements released on Tuesday by Behzat Sultani, Iran’s deputy head of atomic energy, who state’s Iran will join the “nuclear club in a month”.

The senior Iranian official attempted to give an air of legitimacy to his statement, adding 70% of his country’s nuclear reactor is completed, and once the target is achieved, “no country will dare to attack Iran”. Iran’s Fars News Agency states the senior official released his statements while addressing students in the central region of the country.

In the meantime, back in Washington, US President Barak Obama continues courting Chinese President Hu Jintao, who is attending the Washington nuclear summit , working to persuade China to support significant sanctions against Iran. On the other side of the ocean, French President Nikolas Sarkozy is calling for immediate crippling sanctions, warning the international community that if action is not immediate and effective, the Israel Air Force will strike Iran, and this he states will be disastrous. He told the press that he does not wish to among those world leaders who will have to explain why sanctions were not implemented in time to prevent a strike against Iran.

In an interview with CBS, when asked about the possibility of a nuclear Iran, Sarkozy called such a reality, “dangerous and unacceptable”.

In a related matter, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev told ABC that an Israeli military assault against Iran could lead to nuclear war and many Iranian refugees. He made his comments on the Good Morning America program.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. People need to hear the youtube video which was replayed (the audio) on the Michael Savage show over the lasdt two days (perhaps more?).

    It talks about how the sustainability of the population the birth rate is so low that they have absolutely no chance ever of repopulating Europe with non Muslims.

    The audio replay of the video quotes a Muslim leader saying they do not need homicide bombers because their population growth will take over Europe “within a few decades”.

    Sooner then that, the video says, Islam will become the dominant religion of the entire world.

    They have already surpassed the numbers in the Catholic church.

    Europe is doomed with no hope of recovery and America is on the same path to being doomed if the trends in America are not quickly reversed, says the video.

    Iran needs no nukes, the Islamics are taking over anyway.

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