Seminary Principals To Meet Following Jerusalem District Court Ruling

After the Jerusalem District Court ruled in favor of regional registration for Elad girl’s high schools next year, heads of the seminaries (frum girl’s high schools) have announced they will convene urgently, Monday night the eve of 9 Adar as they view the court decision as a threat to the chareidi way of life.

The court ordered the Elad Municipality to implement regional registration for the coming year, contrary to the instructions of Gedolei Yisrael Shlita.

The ruling has been met with outage among chareidim, who insist there will be no compromise regarding the status quo of maintain total independence vis-à-vis the education in the chareidi sector.

MK Yaakov Asher was among the first to respond, stated “Bnos Yisrael will not be educated according to the judgement of the court. The high schools will solely on educational consideration and not legal ones”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. I am not familiar with exactly what the problem is, but I guess the Court ruled that places will have to be found for all Bnos Yisrael who want a genuine Torah education. That includes Sefardim. Is that the issue here?

  2. sitting here in NYC, I must admit I don’t understand what “regional registration” means and why it is a threat… can anyone in the holy land explain to me?

  3. As I read the summary of the Court’s order published separately and noted here earlier, the Court is NOT directing what is taught in the Beis Yakovs, or for that matter in any other school. They are simply saying that ALL students living with the designated regional boundaries should have an opportunity to register in the school without discrimination based on their parents’ ethnicity, income, etc. MK Asher seems to want to make everything the court decides an issue of interference in chinuch rather than acknowledging the blatant discrimination by some schools in enrollment policies, especially against girls from Sehpardeshe backgrounds

  4. The question is whether girls who have televisions and wear short skirts etc. should be in the same schools and classrooms with girls from families of bnei torah, whether ashkenazi or sfardi.

  5. No! Not all children from the same neighborhood should attend the same school. Absolutely not! This is the conflict between Gedolei Yisroel and LEHAVDEL the high court of injustice. Imagine if Gadol or Gadol’s children would attend a chareidi school. They don’t belong there and can ch”v ruin others.

    Secular courts have no right mixing in to religious affairs, whether it’s about the Kosel or religious schools. They should stop meddling into things they have no understanding. And so should you, Gadol. What do you understand about yiddishkeit?

  6. Gadol well put this isn’t about tevelvisions but about exclusions of talent students. As long as they are on government payroll and fee tuition
    You loss. Your right to exclude anyone because you don’t like where they came from
    Idach you just don’t get it if its my court it’s my rules stop taking government support

  7. Actually, I really think that even Aryehlah’s children or grandchildren (assuming he has any) would benefit in their chinuch by exposure to children of torah-observant yidden who c’v might add v’yatzmach pirkunei in kaddish or eat gebrochts on pseach. As much as some rabbonim attempt to cloak their discriminatory practices in the kind of quasi racist terms that the Aryehs of the world invoke, racism and sinas chinam among klal yisroel should NEVER be sanctioned either under civil law or daas torah.

  8. The courts are trying to destroy the legal and State approved Chinuch Atzmoi system, which is in effect for close to 60 years or more.

    This system gives the Chareidi schools two thirds of their support, and the schools run independently, hence the name.
    The courts want to destroy Chareidi education. They can’t stand the sight of our pure and tznious girls.

    Our schools are not local schools. They are Beis Yaakov and whoever isn’t chereidi cannot register. It is not an Ashkenazi-Sefardi issue. Plenty of Ashkenazi are rejected, plenty of Sefardim are accepted.

    The Sefardi problem, when it exists, is not ethnic. It is cultural. There are wonderful, refined, frum Sefardi families who are always accepted. There is, unfortunately, a type that the language in the home and the streets is in the line of, “Go to Azazel!” (I have heard mothers say that to their children). “I’m going to break every bone in your body!” “I’m going to kill you!”, etc. This element will always be rejected. It comes along with short skirts, tight clothing, and not Torah-dicka homes.

    This is the element that the good Sefardi families run away from and it is because of them that they put their children into predominantly Ashkenazi schools and the better Sefardi schools also don’t take them either.

    If you feel so sorry for these girls and boys then do something to help them. Organize adult education for their parents and do something with the kids, and stop complaining about the Ashkenazim.

  9. “! Not all children from the same neighborhood should attend the same school. Absolutely not! This is the conflict between Gedolei Yisroel and LEHAVDEL the high court of injustice. Imagine if Gadol or Gadol’s children would attend a chareidi school. They don’t belong there and can ch”v ruin others.”

    Not according to Rav Shteinman !

    Not accepting them is only gaava. You can find the video online.

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