Israel Wants Sanctions on Iran Now!

Israel has been applying pressure on the United States, seeking crippling sanctions against Iran by the end of April, seeking to have the White House move the UN Security Council. In Israel, intelligence experts are gravely concerned that the window of opportunity for possible successful sanctions is rapidly closing.

One of the reasons believed for the April 30th deadline is the fact that next month, Lebanon assumes the rotating Security Council leadership and Israel fears a Lebanese council head will seek to prevent sanctions against Iran. A second reason is Israeli officials believe western leaders will require at least four months to evaluate the effectiveness of sanctions before deciding if stronger measures as warranted, once again a time issue.

President Barak Obama’s nuclear summit opens today (Monday) in Washington, hosting representatives from 47 nations. Israel will be represented by Minister of Intelligence & Atomic Energy Dan Meridor.

On Sunday, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced Iran has not yet achieve nuclear abilities, worrying some back in Jerusalem, those who feel America seems to have accepted the fact that a nuclear Iran is a fait accompli, and achieving this is just a matter of time.

Gates however stressed this is not the case and the United States will do whatever it can to prevent such a reality from taking place.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was originally scheduled to attend, but opted to send Meridor. Most feel the prime minister wishes to avoid a situation in which Arab states demand Israel sign a nuclear proliferation treaty while attending the summit.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Israel Wants Sanctions on Iran Now! as obama says who is israel to tell what to do . however now if eretz yisroel does something about this problem the world will not be able to say that they were not warned.

  2. Israel can NEVER sign a nuclear disarmament treaty for two reasons…

    1) They have never admitted to even HAVING nuclear arms!
    2) They MUST maintain a nuclear arsenal in case, chalila, they are truly in a life and death situation.

    Many people do not realize that Israel came EXTREMELY close to using the nuclear option at the beginning of the Yom Kippur war.

  3. AinOhdMilvado what you say is very true . in doing my own research the Golda Mair sent word to the Nixon white house that this time the Jews will not go as sheep to be slaughtered . we will go down fighting and we just nuke the whole middle east and take all the Arabs with us . as a matter of fact once the Russians found out about this and the united states went on nuclear alert.

  4. Hashem hardened Paro’s heart… its obvious He is doing the same to others again, whereas, there is no other explanation that allows for the “civilized” world to allow a terrorist government to acquire nuclear weapons.

    What has to be recognized by the western world is, if the Al Aqsa mosque was so important to them, then why would they chance that one of their nukes would destroy it and the land it sits on for 1000 years?

    Mecca and Medina are of importance, Yerushalayim only has importance to them because the Yiddin claim it… when everyone realizes this, then things might change.

    not to mention that a secular astrologer called Nostradamus wrote that the Persians will acquire a nuclear bomb and will launch it at Eretz Yisrael, but (he claims) a faulty navigation system causes it to land in Southern France… assuming any of that is accurate, then the entire world will see the hand of Hakodesh Barachu… and not a faulty navigation system.

    the question then becomes, who will defend France?

  5. I do live in Eretz Yisrael. I take real risks every day. And I’m not in favor of nuking anybody, and I would still live here if Iran had the bomb, just like I lived in the US when Russian missiles were aimed at me.

    If all the Jews who sit in the US and decide when we should blow people up would just, like, move over here, there would be no question who’s Israel it was.

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